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Funny Stuff

International Women’s Day BBQ!

meanwhile.. at HolyCow Butchers..

Shane continues to be the gift that keeps on giving…

going above & beyond for our Local Wauchope & Port Macquarie Hastings International Women’s Day BBQ.

satisfying & empowering women one mouthful at a time, what a legend. 🙂 🥩🐖🐑🐓❤️❤️

England & MI6 need Shane..

to deliver King Charlzy his beloved HolyCow Xmas Ham.

will he make it in time.. a shadowy axis of evil stands in his way.

who knows, stay tuned..

Update: Shane made it to the palace. But was  beaten, arrested & deported by the King’s guard to the far reaches of the realm.

New Product Line

meanwhile.. at HolyCow Butchers..

Shane continues to be the gift that keeps on giving.

No part of the animal is wasted..

it’s always a.. pleasure, doing business with Holy Cow Butchers 🙂