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Our Raffles


This one’s our biggest one yet. Total value just under $1000.

More items to be added once they arrive later this week we will post full prize then.

Main prize is a Ziggy By Ziegler & Brown Twin Grill LPG Classic On Cart (Chilli Red)

Starting on December 1st every purchase over $30 gets you a free ticket. Winner drawn on Friday 23rd 🐮🐮🐮


Massive congratulations to the winner of this years Christmas raffle. Julie Howe 🎄🎅🤶 Jules has won herself almost $1000 worth of prizes including a Chilli Red Ziggy Classic Twin Grill LPG BBQ On Cart, The Butchers Cook Book, a Baccarat iD3 Santoku Knife and a variety of BBQ rubs and sauces. We would like to thank everyone for all their support this year, we wouldn’t be here without you all and it’s been a massive year.


HolyCow Weekly Raffles

run these exclusively for those in the know..

spend over $30

and go into our weekly meat tray raffle!

ask Shane & Kel today!

Knife & Merch Set 2

Raffle Prizes, or buy yours instore today.

get yours in store today.

stay tuned..
